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The Deployer is used to deploy new Sushi V3 AMM pools.

State-Changing Functions


function deploy(
address factory,
address token0,
address token1,
uint24 fee,
int24 tickSpacing
) internal returns (address pool);

This function deploys a new Uniswap V3 pool instance, initialized with the specified parameters. A unique salt derived from the token0, token1, and fee values is used to create a deterministic address for the new pool.


factoryaddressthe address of the Uniswap V3 factory
token0addressthe address of the first token in the pool
token1addressthe address of the second token in the pool
feeuint24the pool's swap fee rate (in parts per million)
tickSpacingint24the number of price tick indexes between supported ticks


pooladdressthe address of the newly deployed Uniswap V3 pool